11 Januari 2009
10 Januari 2009
Joglo House of Java
Javanese traditional architecture, especially in the area of Central Java with the more famous buildings Joglo. Joglo framework is the main building of the traditional Javanese house that consists of four Soko teachers form the main pillar of the building structure and the buffer overlapping sari fabric in the form of a beam supported Soko teachers.
Joglo house, in general, only owned by people who more material. This is caused in Joglo needed to build a lot of material and quite expensive because most of the material comes from teak and require treatment withdrawn. Meanwhile, in terms of social, Joglo form should only be considered to be owned by the people, especially from the most noble. In addition, building on the philosophy that Joglo are in accordance with the Java community life.
The order of the room on Joglo generally divided into three parts, namely a meeting room called pendhapa, living room or space that is used to make leather puppet show called pringgitan, and the back room called the palace or Omah Jero as family rooms. In this room there are three senthong (rooms) that are left senthong, senthong middle and senthong right.
`Pendhopo function as open space to receive guests. Pendhopo building structures on the base as umpak Soko, 4 fruit Soko teachers (main pillar) 4 as a symbol of the wind direction. Soko move and 12, and Overlapping sari fabric is supported by the back Soko teachers. Generally, there is overlapping in the sari pendopo-rise buildings are developed. Tier-levels can be defined as the level to go to a point on the summit, which consists of serengat, tarekat, marrow, and makrifat. According to the trust it, levels ignites this will be the one point.
Ndalem this is the order of the central spaces in the surrounding areas. Its main function is as a family room. Personal nature of this room, the atmosphere there in quiet and authoritative. In the spatial pattern ndalem there is a difference so that the height of the floor space divides into 2 areas. On a lower floor in the use of circulation while the lower part is used as family rooms and senthong.
Solo still have their own home building Joglo that still exist to this day. Here are some of the building which is home Joglo in Solo:
v v Joglo Rumah Ibu Hj Mulyorahardjo property is one of the best houses in the area that is still awake Laweyan authenticity even less Some even antique collectors have bid to buy a house this Joglo but by the time this house Joglo is not for sale
v v Joglo house owned by Bp Afrozin (Dakon Mas) located in Kauman. In addition to functioning as a dwelling house also functions as a place of business batik. At this building there is a fusion of architecture with Indis traditional Javanese architecture.
v v House on Jl Slamet Riyadi who currently serves as the center of one of the candidates for governor of Central Java
Diposting oleh Eliseus Blog di 18.06.00 3 komentar
Java House
House from the traditional Java applies lumber of teakwood

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Taman Sari Temple
Taman Sari is a historic building residing in Yogyakarta Indonesia. Taman Sari is a historic building residing in Yogyakarta Indonesia. This is to be the place of bath for Yogyakarta empire concubine. This is the place to be for Yogyakarta bath of empire concubine. Princes will choose one the concubine is being taking a bath pool the to accompanies him. Princes will choose the one being concubine is taking a bath to the pool accompanies him. History telling us that around of Taman Sari has a beautiful lake, but the lake were loses when earthquake happened in the year 1900 in town of Yogyakarta. History around telling us that of the Taman Sari has a beautiful lake, but the lake loses were when the earthquake happened in the year 1900 in the town of Yogyakarta. The lake becomes draw down because apart of lake base layer as result of earthquake. The lake becomes draw down apart because the base layer of the lake as result of earthquake. This building has strong structure causing can stay until now. This building has strong structure causing can stay until now. Taman Sari has tropical building design character. Taman Sari has tropical character building design. Government of Indonesia has renovated this building as the heritage building assisted by care nations with world history. Government of Indonesia has renovated this heritage building as the building Assisted care by nations with world history.

Diposting oleh Eliseus Blog di 17.46.00 0 komentar
Combination Facade
Combination of Traditional Façade

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facade of the building is the owner character phonetic symbol
Architect claimed to realize desire of owner in the form of drawing and design. Architect claimed to realize desire of the owner in the form of drawing and design. Desire of building models, space systems and building facade usually is prioritized of the owner, because the thing is identity which wish to be laid open owner, so that friend or neighbors can know character idea of the owner with only sees the house. Desire of building models, space systems and building facade is usually prioritized of the owner, because the thing is the identity which wish to be laid open owner, or friend so that neighbors can know character idea of the owner with only sees the house. Facade of building can be told as someone personality phonetic symbol. Facade of building can be told as someone personality phonetic symbol. Architect can take concept is building notching coming from character the owner, like calmness, jealousy, love, kindness or other things. Architect can take concept is building notching character coming from the owner, like calmness, jealousy, love, kindness or other things. If it is seen circumspectly, facade building like whittling man face who is having thousands of character, so that architect can make it as identity or spot icon a whittling form with harmonious element and compatibility. If it is seen circumspectly, building facade face like whittling man who is having thousands of character, so that architect can make it as identity or spot icon whittling form with a harmonious element and compatibility. The designer sometime unconscious that thing can generate effect at area, because whittling building face must be adapted for existing site character. The designer sometime unconscious thing that can generate effect at the area, because whittling building face must be adapted for existing site character. So the building has typical symbol that is not So the building has typical symbol that is not
Diposting oleh Eliseus Blog di 17.41.00 0 komentar
Traditional Java House
Traditional architecture Java House
Typology home or residence often called "Omah", the shelter is intended for people on the island of Java. It covers the life of the 3 conditions as a living expression of the need for adequate clothing (clothing that is reasonable), Food (eating and drinking) and Board (residence). For the third condition, namely the need for housing must be met for it as a requirement to achieve a prosperous life, as if already have their own houses so they will not rent a place of shelter or often called "ngindhung". Formation is a simple expression of simplicity of life masyarakaat it. It may be seen from the depiction of the blueprint is quite simple. Usually the form of a blueprint that is applied to the square-shaped square and rectangular. This is in accordance with the aesthetics of living people who have bred firmness in carrying out the principle of responsibility of his life. While the typology of rounded or oval blueprint does not exist in the form of a blueprint home-bred people live. The form of this four-square in its development experience with the addition of a change-room addition on the side of the building and keep the unity of the form of sketch square.
Based on the history of the development of home-bred person can live dikategorikaan into 4 types of derivative mendasarinya as a form of housing. That is the traditional home of "Panggangpe", the form of "village", the form of "Limasan" and form "Joglo". Traditional forms of home "Tajug" is not used as a dwelling house, but used as a house of worship. Actual form of the above category separate based on differences in the formation of the roof as described below:
Traditional forms of house Java Panggangpe
House "panggangpe" is a form of buildings and even the most simple form is a basic building. Building "panggangpe" This is the first building to be used for shelter from the wind disturbance, cold, hot sun and rain. The building has a simple form of a basic form of a pillar or "saka" as much as 4 or 6 pieces. Are on the side wall surrounding a given just to keep out the weather or the environment around it can be said as a form of protection is a more private nature of the disturbance. On the development of the home "panggangpe" this change to be a variation of another formation, approximately 6 formation as a result of the development of the form that is simple.
(Picture below Java House Cuisine Panggangpe Main)
Source Books: "Architecture Traditional Yogyakarta", the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Jakarta, 1998.
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